Berry Cares is a volunteer initiative to assist people who need support to mitigate the impact of the NSW fires. It aims to provide accurate information to those who wish to give help or receive help.
Visit this page to review the requests for assistance to see if there’s a request which you are able to assist with.
If you would like to volunteer, lend equipment or donate please review the list of opportunities below and get in touch with the organiser to get involved.
OR you can have a new volunteer or donations initiative listed by filling this form – it can be anything from lending your trailer to knitting a pouch for native animals or organising direct relief for people or animals in fire-affected regions.
If you are looking for accommodation for yourself and/or your animals because you have been evacuated visit the evacuees’ page. Likewise, if you can offer accommodation.
Or if you are looking for other kinds of assistance with recovery for yourself and/or your business visit the help needed page.
Keep supporting your favourite local shops, restaurants, cafes and services. Locally, even though Berry has not been directly impacted by fire, the tourism economy has flatlined and many businesses are struggling.
Use the following hashtags on social to help us bounce back. #BackToBerry #SouthCoastBound #EmptyEskies #SpendWithThem #RejuvenateShoalhaven
Here are a list of the local Berry businesses who are running charitable initiatives. By supporting them you will support the local community and other initiatives. Check regularly as this list is growing.
If you own a business and would like to add how you are helping, please fill this form and we’ll publish your initiative to this page if appropriate.
FREE Respirator Masks from the Department of Health for those in need.
Donating $1 for every coffee sold during the week commencing 6 Jan to the local RFS station + 100% of tips/donation jar. THIS INITIATIVE HAS NOW CLOSED AFTER RAISING $2,200!
All coffee sales donated to the local RFS raising money for masks during the week commencing 6 Jan. THIS INITIATIVE HAS NOW CLOSED AFTER RAISING $500 FOR RFS MASKS!
$5 from every purchase of Deluxe South Coast Breakfast Tea will go to the local RFS till the end of January 2020. THIS INITIATIVE HAS NOW CLOSED AFTER RAISING $700 FOR RFS MASKS!
$7 from the purchase every Alpaca Burger until the end of January will be donated to the local RFS Brigades – Shoalhaven Heads and Broughton Vale.
100% of all profits from the Bushfire Relief collection will be donated to the NSW Rural Fire Service.
Visit the online store.
20% of all online January sales to Wildlife Rescue South Coast Inc.
Visit the online store.
Selling $5 Haven and Space cotton bags with all proceeds going to the Salvation Army.
Fundraising event Sunday 19th January from 12pm – You choose what you pay for a schooner – all proceeds to local RFS. Plus local brigade will be in attendance for donations and thank yous. THIS INITIATIVE HAS NOW CLOSED AFTER RAISING $2175.15 FOR BROUGHTON VALE – BERRY RFS
Donating funds for RFS masks $502.60 RAISED!
Donating funds for RFS masks – $305.00 RAISED!
Fundraising for RFS Masks – RAISED $150!
Use the following hashtags on social to help us bounce back. #BackToBerry #SouthCoastBound #EmptyEskies #SpendWithThem #RejuvenateShoalhaven
Athlete, motivational speaker and burns victim Turia Pitt has taken to social media to urge her followers about the importance of helping local businesses that may have been affected by the bushfire crisis.
Connect on Instagram
We have developed a comprehensive guide of funding and resources to assist businesses impacted both directly and indirectly as a result of the fires.
Please visit
A 100% volunteer-run organisation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of Australian Native Fauna.
0418 427 214
Based in Kangaroo Valley NSW, The Wisdom Wombat Refuge is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to rescuing orphaned joey wombats and injured wombats.
(02) 4465 1391
Connect with them on Facebook
The aim of the Shoalhaven Bat Clinic and Sanctuary is to rescue and rehabilitate both Microbats and Megabats and to provide training to carers and to educate members of the public.
(02) 4465 1391
Connect with them on Facebook
A craft guild that creates items for animal rescue efforts around Australia. Part of the Animal Rescue Collective community. 100% volunteer run and all items are donated free of charge to rescues.
Connect with them on Facebook
A craft guild that creates items for animal rescue efforts around Australia. Part of the Animal Rescue Collective community. 100% volunteer run and all items are donated free of charge to rescues.
(02) 6584 1522
A group of locals of the Shoalhaven independently raising funds to set up water and feeding stations, across the bush fire affected areas throughout the Shoalhaven.
Connect with them on Facebook
Donations will directly benefit volunteers
Right now they are supporting thousands of people in evacuation centres and recovery hubs across Australia.
Vinnies is on the ground helping people as they deal with the immediate aftermath of fires, and will continue to be there as they rebuild their lives in the long term with food, clothing, furniture, other essentials and funds to pay bills.
The Salvation Army teams are providing meals to evacuees and frontline responders, and will continue to provide whatever support is needed as the situation develops.
Tax deductible donations to assist those in impacted areas.
Cash donations will help local families recover and fund local businesses to get back on their feet.
Connect with them on Facebook
Airbnb have set up pages to share free accommodation for people who are evacuating the fire zones
The fund supports rural and regional communities to access much-needed funding for medium-to-long-term disaster recovery and resilience projects.
(03) 5430 2399
Agricultural and Animal Services hotline 1800 814 647