
Berry Community Pre-School

Berry Community Pre-School Incorporated is a community-based, non-profit organisation providing early childhood education for children between the ages of three and six years.

The core operating hours are Monday to Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm during NSW school terms. There are extended care options available from 8:30 to 9:00am and 3:00 to 4:00pm.

Our vision for children’s learning is to provide opportunity and support for children to develop their potential to meet the highest expectations through being a centre of excellence in early childhood education.

The program offered at Berry Community Pre-School is influenced by the philosophy of Reggio Emilia, the Anti-bias Curriculum and the National Early Years Learning Framework.

The learning environment reflects the view that the children are seen as capable and constructors of their own knowledge and the adults as facilitators. Children are free to choose the areas of interest in which to participate throughout the day, while the staff and children engage in collaborative decision-making about the equipment which is used. Children also participate in group experiences with either a small or large group with the staff.

Each day, experiences provided are based on the children’s interest and include art, puzzles, blocks, dough, dramatic play, writing corner, construction toys, journals, computer, books, sand, water, active and imaginative play, story-telling and music. Children can initiate or continue their own projects and investigations that may last days or weeks.  Some children may also be involved in collaborative projects with other children.

The program is flexible and recognises the individual needs and interests of the children.  Visitors, excursions and informal outings are also planned to extend the children’s learning beyond those offered in the Pre-School on a daily basis.


email Berry Community Pre-School


20 Edward Street (cnr Albert Street) Berry NSW 2535


(02) 4464 1764



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