
Zonta Club of Berry

The Zonta Club of Berry was chartered in 2001 and has been a flourishing and active club since. It is one of 1,100 clubs operating in 65 countries with a membership over 30,000 worldwide. Zonta is a Sioux Indian word meaning ‘honest and trustworthy’ and these words underpin our work locally and internationally. The focus of Zonta service is working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.

Members meet monthly for a dinner meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) in various restaurants in Berry. 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Guests are welcome especially on the nights we have a guest speaker – usually every other month. Refer to The Town Crier Calendar page for further details or ring the number below. Cost $30.00 for dinner.

We have some really interesting local projects which we run, support or actively assist with – if you want to find out more, contact Robyn Prowse via phone or the contact form below. You will be welcome to join us and to come and find out more.


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